
Would you like to gain real world experience in the field of nutrition? Become a Nutrition Australia member and volunteer with us today!


Nutrition NSW provides many opportunities for volunteers to build their CV by becoming involved in nutrition-based programs that target a variety of population groups. Of the hundreds of volunteers that apply for positions within our organisation, we give priority to volunteers who are also Nutrition Australia members.

NNSW holds a number of Induction days and Volunteer workshops throughout the year. To learn more please send an enquiry form to learn more.

If you wish to gain experience in the field of nutrition, become a Nutrition Australia member and volunteer with us. 

Volunteer Form

Why become a volunteer?

Nutrition NSW provides all volunteers with real, hands on experience in community nutrition. Working with Nutrition Australia gives you the opportunity to expand your skills in a wide range of areas and provides you with valuable insight into the operation of a non-government, non-profit community health education organisation.

Many of our volunteers have used the experience and skills they gained working with us to enhance their employment prospect, or used towards entry into further studies, such as a Master’s degree. There’s plenty of opportunities to expand your nutrition knowledge, through exposure to our resources, or by attending seminars and events you may be assisting us with. 

Who should volunteer?

Just about anyone!

Experience at Nutrition NSW is ideal for anyone who is keen to develop skills in promoting health, including students studying science, nutrition, health promotion, human movement studies, education and many other courses. Or if you have other skills, in business, communications, design, etc, we’d love to hear from you.

Please note priority is given to current Nutrition Australia members. So join today...

Are you a former volunteer?

We’d love to hear from any former volunteers to find out where your experience as a NNSW volunteer has taken you. We’d love to chat about you in ‘Our People – Spotlight Series’. Send an email to project@nutritionaustraliansw.org.au to find out more.