Health Tips for Tradies

With tradies making up 30 per cent of the total Australian workforce, it’s in all our interest to help them stay healthy.

With reports stating tradies have the worst diet out of all Australian professions, it’s clearly time for Health tips for Tradies. 

A physically demanding role, along with early mornings, long days and limited food options on construction sites – nutrition is extremely important for keeping your crew at their best now and their future. 

A stereotypical tradesman diet is often linked to fast food, salty snacks and sugary energy drinks, however overtime, these choices can lead to problems with weight gain and risk of high blood pressure. These factors are associated with greater risk of  Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health problems. 

Tradies National Health Month runs each August across Australia, and raises awareness of the health and injury risks affecting those who work in trade occupations – among tradies themselves, their families, employers and the wider community.

Tradies need to take care in fueling their body with the right foods for optimum performance on the job and at home.

Here at Nutrition NSW, we specialise in delivering Workplace Wellness Programs to clients within the construction and logistics industries. 

Our Corporate Nutrition Programs offer tailored packages where you can pick and choose what’s right for your employees. 

Program options include:

  • Cooking Demonstrations, featuring recipes developed by a Dietitian and championing quick, affordable and seasonal produce
  • Smoothie Stand, allowing your tradies to taste our healthy smoothies at the same time as having the opportunity to ask a registered Dietitian dietary related question.
  • Workshops & Seminars, covering engaging & highly relevant topics to your staff including Boost Your Energy, Spend Right Eat Right and Busting Food Myths – can be delivered via video conferencing technology or in-person
  • 15 minute ‘One on One’ Nutrition Consultancy, where our Dietitian will come to your office for ‘one on one’ consultations with your staff – similar to appoints in private practice

We also offer tailored packages, so you can pick and choose what’s right for your workforce.

We encourage you to consider the roles of food and nutrition, exercise, and mental health in the lives of tradies and contact us today to discuss the ways you can boost your tradies health.

Nutrition NSW is proudly supported by NSW Health.

