Healthy Snacks – Our Tops Picks

Snacks can keep your energy levels constant between meals and help you meet your daily nutrient needs, but not all snacks are equal. Check out our tops favs to keep you going for longer.

Feeling hungry? Should you snack? 

Snacks can play an important role in contributing to a healthy diet. But, not all snacks are equal. Choosing a healthy snack can keep your energy levels constant between meals and help you meet your daily nutrient needs, while many snacks are energy-dense packaged foods contributing to our daily intake of saturated fat, sugar and salt. 

What types of snacks should I be choosing?

Often, a small snack between meals can prevent you from getting too hungry which can lead to overeating at your next meal. But many foods that seem to be of great nutritional value just aren’t. Snacks should consist of nutrient-dense foods like fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, reduced fat dairy and nuts or seeds.

Here’s our top 5 smarter snack options: 

  1. Go nuts for nuts – Nuts are natural power-packs of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, protein and fibre with evidence showing we should aim for 30 grams per day for a balanced healthy diet. Grab almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.
  2. Get your daily fruit intake – have a serve of fruit for morning or afternoon tea can help you get the recommended 2 serves of fruit a day. Grab a banana on the run or sliced apple with cottage cheese in the afternoon. 
  3. Low fat yoghurt is a filling nutritious snack, and a good source of protein and calcium. Choose a variety with no added sugar and top with fruit, nuts and seeds. 
  4.  Veggies in the afternoon are a great way to get your 5 serves a day. Easy veggie snacks are veggie sticks! Go for carrot, celery, cucumber, capsicum or cheery tomatoes with a low fat dip on the side such as cottage cheese, hummus, tomato salsa, and
  5. Tinned fish is a fantastic option that requires no refrigeration. Tinned fish such as tuna or salmon makes a healthy snack whether on its own or with wholegrain crackers. Choose fish in spring water with no added salt. 

Planning ahead and keeping some of these healthy snacks on hand is the key to snacking success. Opt for nutritious snacks, they can play an important role in contributing to a healthy diet.

Speak with us today about our Corporate Nutrition Programs, assisting your workplace with healthy snack choices to keep your team performing at their best. 

Nutrition Australia NSW is proudly supported by NSW Health.

