Men’s Health – Healthy Habits for Life

A man's healthy diet differs from a healthy diet for a woman. And what a middle aged male needs from his food for good health differs from what a male baby, child, teenager or older person needs. Find out how you can take charge of nutritious habits for a lifetime of optimal health and wellbeing.

Men have greater vulnerability to various health disorders across their lifespan versus women. Men are more likely to experience serious health problems, have a higher mortality rate, and die in greater numbers than women from almost all non-sex-specific health problems(1). Men’s Health Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of men’s health initiatives across NSW, providing the space to actively discuss current male health issues and how best to address and solve them.

At Nutrition NSW we know prevention and early detection are key to maintaining your health and wellbeing. We have a range of tools and resources relating to men’s health, from diet and nutrition, to related diseases. Our Accredited Practicing Dietitians are highly trained delivering one-on-on consultations providing bespoke relevant and reliable information and tools for planning a healthy diet specifically designed for you and your family.

We also pride ourselves on working with employees via our Corporate Nutritional Programs. Employers play a crucial role and responsibility for health and self-care amongst men employees, and we have the workplace services and support needed to streamline workplace wellness across multitude of companies from a variety of industries.

How can I take charge of my health?
Men typically have a functional view of their body and health, and consequently may ignore minor symptoms until they are severe enough to affect day-to-day tasks. So, please take an active role in your health and see your doctor for regular checkups, even if you feel healthy. This is important in the prevention and early diagnosis diseases, such as cancer and chronic illnesses.

Here’s more tips to take charge of your health:

  • Eat healthy and stay active
  • Monitor alcohol consumption and quit smoking
  • Learn about your family’s health history
  • Get screening test before you get symptoms
  • Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations.
Nutrition Australia NSW is proudly supported by NSW Health.

Sources: 1. Better Heath Channel. (2014). Men’s Health. 

