Spotlight Series: Barbara Ward

We recently chatted with Barbara Ward to understand what drives her as NANSW President.

Our Spotlight Series shines a light on the exceptional work our team do spreading the word of health and nutrition across NSW communities. This month we chat with our passionate and driven NANSW President Barbara Ward to understand what drives her.

Tell us a little bit about yourself & why you are passionate about Nutrition.

I’m enthusiastic about serving my local community to help people live their best life. This has been possible by working across several organisations and various roles, including local council and charity positions. It became clear to me several years ago the need to work with my wider community, and NSW, educating and inspiring Australians to make healthier food choices. This stemmed from the fact that my Mum was diagnosed with diabetes late in life and we lost her to this illness quite prematurely. Diet related health concerns, such as obesity, chronic illness, and food insecurity are increasing, however nutrition makes a significant difference in improving the health of Australians, not only for today but for future generations.

What brought you to Nutrition Australia NSW?

NANSW contributes to minimising economic, social and health impacts of nutrition-related diseases through the design and implementation of nutrition education programs, presentations, publications, resources and awareness campaigns. Our programs are evidence-based, offering guidance from qualified health professionals providing robust tips, tools and advice positively impacting people lives. NANSW also supports several NSW Government Health initiatives offering free programs for communities, schools, families, and individuals.

I am proud of the adaptability NANSW has delivering our programs and messaging of healthy eating to schools, aged care, corporates and workplaces, and large community-based projects. All NANSW programs can be adapted across NSW metro, regional and rural regions, enabling huge scope to impact people across multiple communities.

What do you enjoy most about leading NANSW team?

I’m blessed to be living and breathing my passion of health and well-being every day. I enjoy seeing the difference we have on people’s lives, across all sectors of the community. I also love working with our volunteers. It’s a great feeling to provide opportunities to students and community members who are also driven to make a difference in their community. NANSW provides a platform for them to gain practical experience not only in the field of nutrition, but all round office, marketing and community engagement, which are important. What gives me the great joy is when I’m able to find them work or provide reference for them to be employed, and many of us have become good friends.

Nutrition is a rapidly evolving field & it’s difficult to stay current on the latest nutrition information. What do you do to keep abreast of the current issues and how do you upskill?
I’m a member of, and subscribe to, several leading industry organisations who provide research findings, and medical and research studies on relevant and topical issues across nutrition, dietetics, and public health. Reputable, evidence based, scientific research and information is vital.

As a Special Advisor to United Nations Australia I work closely to ensure we are working towards our Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

How do you eat healthy with choice, miscommunication on social platforms and junk food in media?

Try for 5 every day by adopting and maintaining a healthy, sustainable eating pattern. This is often difficult when there’s not many healthy choices to go with my cup of tea. However, at NANSW we provide tips, tools and advice and dietitian-made recipes so people can feel empowered and take control of their eating habits and dietary intake. I believe this is key to living a healthy and happy life. We work closely with the food industry, companies, and educators keeping abreast of the latest nutritional information, keeping up to date with food and health trends.

Where have you found mentors and advisers, to pursue and navigate your career, plus achieve personal goals.

I’ve a number of wonderful people who mentor me, plus have a diverse range of people I can go to for sound advice, ranging from CEO’s and Senior Executives, to my church community and family. Whilst many people have helped me with my career, I’m also conscientious, diligent and continually striving to be my best. Being a migrant from Fiji has been particularly challenging at times, however I am proud of what I have accomplished. I’ve never set goals for myself rather if I saw an opportunity and thought I could positively contribute to the community – I go for it! The most important achievement for me is my family whom I’m very close to.

What do you think the future looks like for health & nutrition?

As I write I’m watching another food shortage and displaced people crisis in Sudan. Food security is critical and an area I’m deeply passionate. In 2011, whilst working at AustCare, I raised $500k for Darfur, Sudan. Seeing this again is heart breaking, particularly with so much food wastage in 1st world countries. I believe food insecurity will be a growing issue for the health of the future, but we can work together to make a difference.

Barbara’s Top Tip

Volunteer with us! If you’re new to the field of nutrition and wish to gain real industry experience NANSW has many volunteer opportunities to build your CV by getting involved in nutrition- based programs targeting a variety of population groups. Volunteering can be remote or face-to- face, so a great opportunity regardless ofyour location.

Show your passion by marketing in an innovative way, be the voice to bring about change. This should not be a job but a vocation.

Nutrition Australia NSW is built on Barbara Ward’s vision and passion of inspiring healthy eating through the delivery of robust education programs, information and consultation services.

To learn more about our programs, reach out

