Spotlight Series: Dr Chloe Sacks

We recently chat with Dr Chloe Sacks to delve into her world as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian.

Our Spotlight Series shines a light on the exceptional work our Dietitians and Volunteers do to spread the word for health and nutrition throughout communities across NSW.

Chloe’s been working with Nutrition Australia NSW since 2015 helping us deliver our programs to communities, schools, families and corporates across Sydney.

Tell us a little bit about yourself & why you are passionate about Nutrition.
My mum and grandmother were always interested in healthy eating, making sure we had healthy meals and snacks. So, I was just brought up having a taste for healthy food, knew it made me feel better, and gave me more energy.

Where did you start your career?
I started my career in private practice helping adults and children, managing a range of health conditions through diet.

What areas do you specialise in & why?
I see a variety of different health conditions and specialise in weight loss and digestive conditions/health. I find both fascinating and every patient presents a little differently. I enjoy helping them within the constraints of their lives and love seeing them feel better and achieve their goals!

You’ve been with Nutrition Australia NSW for quite a few years. What do you enjoy most about working with us?
My favourite program is Reclaim the Lunchbox as it’s a great way to engage parents AND kids about healthy eating. It’s always a lot of fun and the cooking demonstrations are always a hit!

Nutrition is a rapidly evolving field & it’s difficult to stay current on the latest information. What do you do to keep abreast of the current issues, and how do you upskill?
I’m a member of several Australian professional associations, including Nutrition Australia. This helps me keep up to date with the latest information and research. I also read studies, research and take part in continuing education courses and webinars to keep abreast of the latest information.

How do you stick to healthy eating when there’s so much choice, noise and miscommunication on social platforms and junk food in the media?
Trusting people on social media with your health is like asking your mechanic to fix your teeth. They’re not experts and likely don’t have education or qualifications. Find a reputable organisation, like Nutrition Australia NSW, or a dietitian with evidence based research and follow them.

Where have you found your mentors and advisers, not only to pursue and navigate your career but also to achieve your personal goals.
I love Susie Burrell. I follow her on social media and listen to her podcasts. She’s a great role model.

What next for the future of nutrition? What does the Dietitian/Nutritionist of the future look like?
More and better plant based products – calcium enriched yogurts, plant based Omega 3 enriched “fish”, and dairy milk made by yeasts rather than cows (just emerged in Israel)! I think nutrition will move online even more with apps, virtual dietitians, food diaries which give instant responses.

Lastly, what’s your favourite food?
Salmon, especially grilled on the BBQ or hot smoked. I love it!

Chloe’s Top Tip

At this time of year consider having your Vitamin D levels checked. During winter 39% of people in New South Wales will experience Vitamin D deficiency, and this year it’s likely this figure is higher thanks to all the wet weather we’ve endured in 2022. Vitamin D is found in eggs, butter or margarine, liver and oily fish but we get most of our Vit D from the sun. If your levels are low it can affect your mood, energy levels and immune system, muscle and bones strength.

Dr Chloe Sacks works with Nutrition Australia NSW to bring to life Barbara Ward’s vision and passion of inspiring healthy eating through the delivery of robust education programs, information and consultation services.

To learn more about our programs, reach out

