Spotlight Series: Laura Baker

Our Spotlight Series shines a light on the exceptional work our team do spreading the word of health and nutrition across NSW communities.

We recently chat with Laura Baker. Laura has been a beloved member of the Nutrition NSW team, from volunteer to valuable employee, and now a full time student. We learn how working with Nutrition NSW helped Laura shape and benefitted her career as a Nutritionist and future Dietitian.

Tell us a little bit about yourself & why you are passionate about Nutrition.

I grew up learning about food from my mum, food was the centre of our family. And with multiple food allergies in my family (including myself), it’s clear the food we eat impacts our health in a big way

Where did you start your nutrition career?

Prior to being a Nutritionist I operated my own business as a social media manager for various companies in nutrition and fitness. I began volunteering with Nutrition New South Wales, before moving onto Marketing and Communications Manager. My experience and skills enabled me to skillfully promote evidence-based health and nutrition knowledge, via online content as well as leading cooking classes and community events. Now I’m focused on completing my Masters in
Nutrition and Dietetics, and look forward to making an impact as a Dietitian in the future.

Nutrition is a rapidly evolving field & it’s difficult to stay current on the latest nutrition information. What do you do to keep abreast of the current issues and
how do you upskill?

‘m a member of several nutrition organisations, including Nutrition Australia. I also keep up to date with attending webinars, reading emerging research, as well
as books on food and biographical experiences. Right now, I’m reading books on bush tucker in Aboriginal culture.

How do you stick to healthy eating when there’s so much choice, noise and miscommunication on social platforms and junk food in the media?

As someone with allergies, I’m conscious of the food I eat and how it makes me feel. Key tip – you’re the expert in your body – not the latest trends on social media. Plus, my favourite place is the kitchen! I love to cook from scratch using fresh ingredients and wholefoods as much as possible.

Where have you found mentors and advisers, not only to pursue and navigate your career but also to achieve personal goals?

My lecturers at university challenge and encourage me to build a strong foundation in evidence-based practice. I’ve also learnt so much through the Nutrition Australian team and President Barbara Ward, who’ve supported my passion for food and caring for community.

Are you passionate about healthy eating? Join our team of volunteers to truly make an impact in your community. Click here to learn more!

