Fish Curry

One of our favourite Budget Beaters - this meal is simple, quick and great for feeding a family watching the weekly budget.


  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 kg white fish fillet 
  • 2 punnets cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 150 grams green beans or chopped silverbeet
  • 3 tablespoons korma curry paste
  • 1 can light coconut milk


  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a shallow pan.
    Add the cherry tomatoes and beans and cook until they just start to soften.
  2. Chop the fish into large cubes.
  3. Add the fish to the pan along with the korma paste and coconut milk.
  4. Gently stir and leave to simmer for around 10 minutes or until the fish is just cooked through. The trick with fish is to not over cook it.
  5. Remove from the heat and serve with steamed rice or rice noodles.


  1. If you don’t eat fish, replace with tofu.
  2. Opt for a firm fish – this is best. We recommend Basa fish as it is budget friendly, firm and absorbs the curry flavours nicely.
  3. Also, to help with the budget, head to the frozen section for snap frozen beans or silverbeet. 

Serves 4
Credit: Simone Austin 


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